Smoke Alarms Save Lives!
Every day, seven people die in home fires and the American Red Cross wants to do everything we can to prevent these needless tragedies – that’s why we launched our Home Fire Campaign. Volunteer participants work alongside fire departments and other local groups to install free smoke alarms and educate families about fire prevention and safety.
Free Smoke Alarm Installations
The Red Cross and our community partners will be installing free smoke alarms in your neighborhood to help keep you and your family safe.
To schedule an appointment for a Home Fire Safety Visit and have FREE smoke alarms installed in your home, call 856-425-0025 (the voicemail is sponsed by Google services: when it answer, please leave a message)or use the form at
We want to help you, your family and our community stay safe. Remember to test your smoke alarms monthly and practice your fire escape plan. For more information, visit