Stephen F. Labb
Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer
856-299-0098, ext. 107
Assistant Treasurer/Accounts Payable
Ericka Walker
856-299-0098, ext. 108
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
The Finance Department is responsible for all financial and reporting functions for the Borough of Penns Grove as regulated by the State of New Jersey.
These functions include, but are not limited to budgeting, financial and debt management, investments, accounting, purchasing, payroll, accounts payable and grants management.
Borough meetings are on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm. Completed Purchase Orders/Vouchers are processed at each meeting.
Finance Documents
Please note the majority of the documents on this page are PDFs. Many are readable by Screen Readers but many have been scanned in, for example, to display legal signatures. Any resident using a Screen Reader may contact the office to inquire about receiving readable, non-scanned copies.
- 2023 Adopted Budget
- 2023 User Friendly Budget
- 2022 Adopted Budget
- 2022 User Friendly Budget
- 2021 Adopted Budget
- 2021 User Friendly Budget
- 2021 Introduced Budget
- 2020 Adopted Budget
- 2020 User Friendly Budget
- 2019 Municipal Budget
- 2019 User Friendly Budget
- 2018 Adopted Budget
- 2018 User Friendly Budget
- 2017 Introduced Budget
- 2017 User Friendly Budget
- 2016 Adopted Budget
- 2016 Introduced Budget
- 2015 Adopted Budget
- 2014 Adopted Budget
- 2013 Adopted Budget
- 2012 Adopted Budget
- 2011 Adopted Budget
- 2010 Adopted Budget
- 2009 Adopted Budget
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How is the Borough’s procurement function governed?
A: The Borough of Penss Grove, similar to all governments in the State of New Jersey, is mandated to follow the provisions of Local Public Contract Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 ET SEC.) and N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 ET SEC-chapter 19 is also called “pay-to-play”.
Q: Where can a copy of these laws be obtained?
A: Copies of the Local Public Contracts Law are available for review in the reference room of most public libraries.
Q: Who is the Borough’s Authorized Contracting Agent?
A: The authorized agent is the Governing Body’s appointed Purchasing Agent. That individual is the only authorized Contracting Agent for the Borough whose actions are subject in all respects to the approval of the Board of Chosen Freeholders.
Q: When is public advertising for bids required?
A:The level above which public advertising for competitive bidding is required is $17, 500.00 pursuant to N.J.S.A. 10:44A-20 et sec., superseding 40A:11-1et sec. (L.C.P.L.).
Q: Where are public advertisements placed?
A: Advertisements are placed on the Borough’s website.
Q: How are purchases below the competitive bidding limit made?
A: All contracts or agreements that do not require public advertising for bids must have quotations solicited when the cost is greater than 15% of the bid threshold under L.C.P.L.- 40, (Quote threshold), which changes every five years.
Q: What is a business Registration Certificate?
A: A Business Registration Certificate (BRC) serves as proof of valid business registration with the New Jersey Division of Revenue. All contractors and sub-contractors must provide this documentation when seeking to do business with the state of New Jersey or any other public entity.
Q: Is a Business Registration Certificate always required?
A: Effective September 1, 2004, all business organizations that do business with a local contracting agency are required to be registered with the State of New Jersey and provide proof of that registration to the contracting agency before the contracting agency may enter into a contract with the business. When the total amount of services or materials to one vendor exceeds 15% of L.P.C.L. bid threshold, a New Jersey “BRC” is needed.
Q: Is bonding required on all bids?
A: No. By statute, bonding is only required on public works contracts and for the most part is not required on other contracts unless they are of a sensitive nature where default of vendor would adversely impact upon Borough operation.
Q: What types of services qualify as “Professional Services”?
A: While the statute regarding professional services is very specific, the following services potentially qualify: Lawyers, CPAs, Professional Planners, Annual Audits by Registered Municipal Accountants, Professional Medical Services, Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, Pharmacists, and services considered artistic in nature.
Q: Are “Professional Services” subject to competitive bidding?
A: No. Professional Services are a bid exemption and are generally secured through the Request for Proposal (RFP) Process and require Board of Chosen Freeholder approval, and are subject to the “Pay to Play” law.
Q: What is competitive contracting?
A: Competitive contracting is an alternative procurement method, using a Request for Proposal format. By using locally defined evaluation criteria, it permits the award to be given to the vendor whose proposal is found to be the most advantageous, price and other factors considered, as opposed to the traditional lowest responsible bidder. Competitive contracting requires Freeholder authorization prior to use.
Q: What items can be purchased using the competitive contracting process?
A: 40A:11-4.1 lists the purchases for which competitive contracting may be used, including the purchase and licensing of proprietary software, energy service companies, laboratory testing services, concessions, operation of recreation or social programs, operation of water or wastewater systems, grant writing, consultants, or other services with the approval of the Division of Local Government Services.
Q: Generally, what is the term of most contracts?
A: By law, the duration of most contracts is 24 months. Professional Services contracts can only be for a twelve (12) month period. Exceptions to the duration of contracts are in section 40A:11-15 of the New Jersey Local Public Contracts Law.
Q: What can I expect as an active vendor?
A: As an active vendor, every attempt will be made to forward to your company requests for quotations, invitations to respond to requests for sealed bids, or requests for proposals as the need for specific products or services may arise.
Q: What is the Borough’s payment method?
A: The Borough is precluded by law from making an advanced payment. Payment is made after the vendor receives a Purchase Order, renders the services or ships the products, and signs and returns a payment voucher.
Q: How long does it take to receive payments?
A: The Borough is equipped to make vendor payments every two weeks; however, variables can affect the payment process.
Q: Who is responsible for issuing and approving payments?
A: Vendor payments are the responsibility of the Department of Administration & Finance Division of Treasurer. The chief financial officer can be reached at (201) 336-6550.
Things we purchase:
- Agricultural supplies
- Air filters
- Ammunition
- Animal food
- Animal Carcass Removal
- Aquatic Vegetation Control
- Arborists supplies for Public Works/Tree Maintenance
- Arts and Crafts
- Automated Golf Management Information Systems
- Automotive Batteries
- Bedding and Linens, Mattress, Beds
- Bottled Water and Rental of Coolers
- Building Maintenance Building Security Systems
- Clothing/Clothing Conveyer MTCE
- Computer (maintenance for software and hardware)
- Computer (purchase of hardware and software)
- Computer Maintenance
- Concrete/Bituminous Concrete
- Criminal Investigation Equipment and Supplies
- Defibrillators and Supplies Doors (install and repairs, etc)
- Drainage Cleaning
- Drug Testing
- Electrical Supplies
- Elevator Maintenance and Repair
- Equipment rentals: Front End loaders, Backhoes, etc.
- Exterminating Services
- Fencing/Related Supplies
- Fire Extinguishers
- Fire Suppression Systems
- Flooring/Carpet
- Food Concessions
- Food Service Contracts
- Fuel
- Furniture/Furnishings
- Garbage and Refuse Removal
- Gift shop Concession at Van Saun Zoo
- Goose Control at Parks
- Ground Monitoring Wells
- Glass Beads & Channel Markers
- Hardware
- Hazmat Equipment and Supplies
- Home Monitoring Equipment
- Homeland Security
- Household & Janitorial Supplies
- HVAC Systems
- Ice Making Equipment
- Ice Melts-Bagged
- Incandescent and Fluorescent Supplies
- Industrial Catalog
- Inmate Uniforms
- Irrigation Repair
- Janitorial Supplies
- Law Enforcement Equipment & Supply
- Landscaping Services for the Borough
- Lawn & Ground Equipment & Supply Library
- Locksmith Services
- Lumber Law books
- Mail Room Equipment
- Maintenance of Office Equipment
- Medical and Dental Supplies
- Medical Professional Services
- Medical Therapist
- Mason & Plaster Supply
- Motor Oil
- Office Equipment Repairs
- Office Equipment Supplies
- Office Machines
- Office Supplies
- Pain/Related Supplies
- Painting Services Pesticides/Insecticides/Herbicides
- Pharmaceutical Services
- Photographic supplies & Equipment
- Plastic Liners
- Playground Equipment
- Plumbing Supplies & Services
- Police Equipment and Supplies
- Portable Sanitary Toilets
- Printed Business Stationary
- Promotion Material
- Propane Motor fuel
- Psychological
- Public Works and Parks Construction Projects
- Provide Natural Gas for Parks, Public Works
- Radio Communications Equipment and Repair
- Radiology Services
- Rental and Cleaning for Public Work, Parks
- Repair Service to Laundry Equipment
- Repair for AC, Heating System and Plumbing
- Reprographic Equipment
- Rock Salt
- Scrap Metal Pick-up and Removal
- Shredding
- Sign Materials and Equipment
- Snow Plowing and Removal Services
- Social Support and Health Services
- Sporting Goods/Games
- Spraying of Fungicides, Herbicides
- Stationery and Office Supplies
- Street Sweeping
- Telephone Equipment and Supplies
- Telephone Installations Cabling, Upgrades
- Tires
- Toiletries and Beauty Supplies Tonsorial Services
- Towing
- Traffic Products and Services Trailers
- Transcription Services
- Transmission/Transaxle Repair
- Transportation Services
- Tree Services
- Uniforms
- Underground Storage Tanks
- Vehicle Collision Repairs
- Vehicles
- Emergency Lighting for Vehicles
- Veterinarian Services
- Water Treatment
- Window A/C Units
- Window Treatments
- Wireless Phones and Telecommunication Repair
- Wheel Chair Lift MTCE
- Xerographic Paper